Hello, I'm Zachary.

A photo of me

I'm a full-stack developer and designer living in Atlanta, by way of Kansas City but originally from Florida. I enjoy photography, reading, and fitness (but also pizza). If you like poorly written auto-biographies you can find more here.


I work as a freelancer providing full-stack development and front-end performance consulting. I've been working on the web for over ten years now and have enjoyed working with teams on several projects at Google, Cerner, and Cox Media Group.

Want to work together?

If you'd like to check out my work or get in touch professionally, please check out my hiring page.


I occasionally write posts about web development, design, and my varied other interests.

Contacting Me

I'm pretty accessible online via several outlets. I'm @zacharytamas on Github, Twitter, and Instagram. You can also email me at zacharytamas@gmail.com.

Also, this website's source code is available on GitHub.